Month: December 2012

  • Another Firewall

    Today is it.  Lo and behold, the little boy Company has decided to act like a big man Company and install a webfilter where we, the tiny working folk here, will no longer be able to access e-mail from gmail, yahoo and the like.  No more Google Reader, no more amazon to shop.  Work and work only starting Thursday.

    At least from my work laptop while I work from home. 

    Don't worry.  I'll find you.

  • My Neck, My Back

    Real quick whine to go with the cheese.

    Aches and freakin' pains everywhere.  My hip isn't hurting but everything else feels like twist locks!  My shoulders are tight from the crutches, my back hurts from the bike and my bum hurts from everything.  I need a massage.  I need back exercises that don't engage or stretch the hip flexors or bend further at the waist than 90 degrees.  My compromise with the bike is a heating pad to the back.  I made it through the entire 30 minutes without stopping this morning using that, thank goodness.

    The antibiotic tape came off of the first incision and here is what it looks like, 2 weeks post surgery.


    I didn't realize there were 3 cuts - I thought this was one long incision.  My other one has 4 cuts across.  Itchy! 

    Why is my nose bleeding so often?! 


  • Follow Up Appointment

    Some good news follows what's been an emotionally spent few days.  I met with my ortho and he gave me a few quick range of motion (ROM) tests with my leg and took out my stitiches. 

    I am immobilizer free! 

    I'm supposed to stay on crutches the next couple of weeks but start weaning away from them onto a cane by week 4.  I'll start with 10 pounds of weight on the right leg for 3 days, then 20 lbs for 3 days, 40 lbs, 60 lbs etc.  I should be walking by myself by Christmas or a bit after!!  Yeah, that's right.  Do the math and you'll get my weight.  At 4'10", it's a lot.  I have to work on that.

    After next week, I can go to the pool and for leg exercises, I can use the kickboard to flutterkick or I can aquajog/walk.  YAY!!!!  I want to go next weekend.  I don't care what time, I just want to be in the pool.  I already have my workout planned -

    15-20 min kickboard
    15-20 min aquajogging
    15-30min freestyle pull, no flip turns.


    The protocol says to add pelvic tilts, quad rocking stretches (sitting in a chair with feet on the floor, slide forward in chair until quads feel a stretch, slide back to original position) and supine bridges (only as far as comfortable for hip). 

    I'm also stretching the painkillers to 8hrs+ between doses Saturday then only when pain occurs Sunday.  These aren't fun.

    I was the second youngest person in the waiting room yesterday.  Appears many older folks broke their feet or ankles this holiday season already.  It was packed with normally able grandpa aged people talking animatedly in wheelchairs.